Cesarean Section

The Cesarean rate in the U.S. has risen to about 30% of live births. Many women are choosing elective Cesareans due to misperceptions about convenience or benefits.

Cesarean section is major abdominal surgery. There are uncommon birth complications in which a Cesarean may be beneficial to Baby or Mom. However, unnecessary Cesareans carry a number of increased short- and long-term health risks, require a longer recovery time, often result in unnecessary separation of Baby from Mom, and result in increased difficulty initiating breast-feeding.

Many women report having been pressured into a Cesarean section by physicians claiming that the baby is “too large” or that a vaginal birth after Cesarean (VBAC) is not possible.

Babies are not too large for their mothers to deliver. Instead, it is the many interventions, such as back labor, restrictions in movement, induction, as well as heightened anxiety and hospital-birth itself that are associated with an increased risk of complications that may result in the need for a Cesarean delivery.

Vaginal delivery is associated with many health benefits for mother and baby.

We suggest that you consult with the International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) for detailed information on the correct indications for Cesarean and how to avoid the associated physical trauma to Mom and Baby associated with unnecessary Cesareans.